
Our Environment

                                               Our Environment 

All the interacting organisms in an area together with the nonliving constituents of the environment form an ecosystem example forest,pondetc.
Types of ecosystem: it is of two types:
  • Natural ecosystem: The ecosystem which exist in nature on its own. Eg: lake ,ocean.
  • Artificial ecosystem: Man-made ecosystems are called artificial ecosystems. Eg:Corpfield,aquarium,etc.

  • Abiotic components : All the non-living components such as air,water,land etc. Form the abiotic components.
  • Biotic components: All the living combining such as plants,animals,bacteria,fungi etc. from the Biotic components.
On the basis of nutrition biotic components are further divided into:
  1. Producers: All green plants and blue green algae can produce their own food using abiotic components hence are called producers.
  2. Consumers: include all animals which depend on producers Directly or indirectly for their food.
Consumers are further divided into:
  • Herbivores: plant eaters.
  • Carnivores: Flesh eaters.
  • Omnivores: Eat both plants and animals.
  • Parasites: Live in the body of hosts and take food from,Cascuta.
  • Decomposers: Include organisms which decompose you’re dead plants and animals.Include organisms which decompose the dead plants and animals.These help in the replenishment of natural resources.
Food chain
  • Food chain Is a series of organisms in which one organism eats another organism as food.
  • In a food chain various steps where transfer of energy takes place is called a tropic level.
Flow of energy between trophic level

  • Flow of energy in a food chain is unidirectional 
  • Green plants capture 1 percent of sunlight and convert it into food energy
  • 10% law: Only 10% of energy is transferred to the next tropic level. The remaining 90% of energy is used in life process[Digestion,  growth, reproduction, etc.] by present trophic level.
  • Due to This gradual decrease in Energy food chains contain 3–4 trophies levels

Food web

In nature a large number of food chains are interconnected, forming a food web

Ozone layer 

1 ozone layer is a protective blanket around the Earth, which absorbs most of the harmful UV ultraviolet radiation of the sunlight thus protecting Living beings from many health, Hazards , such as skin cancer, cataract , destruction of plants etc.

2 ozone layer is only present at higher level of atmosphere . it is a deadly poison. At ground level.

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